2009年2月24日 星期二


1.語音(speech sound)

普通話為例,有聲子音[b]與無聲不送氣子音[p]不會造成語意的區別,因此有聲子音[b]和無聲不送氣子音[p]都劃歸為同一個音位/p/;但無聲不送氣子音[p]與無聲送氣子音[ph]之間的對照則會產生語意差異,因此無聲送氣子音 [ph]屬另一個音位/ph/。

2.語音資料庫(speech sound corpus)




國語語音資料庫 MAT-160
國語語音資料庫 MAT-400
國語語音資料庫 MAT-2000Edu
國語語音資料庫 MAT-2000Com
國語語音資料庫 MAT-2500ExtV-Edu
國語語音資料庫 MAT-2500ExtV-Com
麥克風語料庫 TCC-300Edu
麥克風語料庫 TCC-300Com
現代漢語對話語音語料庫 Sinica MCDC
台灣口音英語語料庫 EAT
台灣口音英語語料庫 EAT-200
中文廣播新聞語料庫 MATBN
國語連續數字語音資料庫 CHTTL 

3.語言分類(language typology)



⒈:詞彙附著型語言。這種語言的詞用在句子裡時,詞形不表示語法關係的形式,必須用其他詞彙附著句子裡,才能表達語法關係。如漢語中的時間,必須加 ·現在,昨天,明天 等詞彙才能表達。

⒉ 字母附著型語言。這種語言的主要特點是靠詞尾,前尾碼(用一定的字母組合)等來產生語法形式,表示各種語言關係。例如英語,俄語中詞的性,數,格,位的變化都是靠詞尾和前尾碼來表現的。印歐語系的語種,大多屬於這一類型。

3. 混合型:以上兩者兼有之。如日語中的主語,狀語,賓語分別用字母 “が,に,を” 表示,而現在時,過去時則用詞彙”ぁります, ぁりますした” 表示。



2. 英國Simon大學遺傳學分類法(1)歐亞語系,包括漢藏語系、印歐語系。(2).太平洋和非洲語系,包括.除歐亞語系,南北美洲以外其他各國的語言。(3).北美語系:北美洲土著印第安語言。(4).南美語系:南美洲土著印第安語言。

3. 澳大利亞國家標準語言分類法北歐語系,5個語族,16種語支南歐語系,5個語族,16種語支東歐語系,7個語族,25種語支西南亞和北非語系,3個語族,21種語支南亞語系,5個語族,16種語支東南亞語系, 3個語族,23種語東亞語系,4個語族,15種語支澳洲土語語系,8個語族,56種語支其他語系,7個語族,41種語支

4. 美國麻薩諸賽洲理工學院(麻理工學院)分類(完全按地區)非洲語系:北非語族,南非語族,東非語族,西非語族亞洲語系: 北亞語族,南亞語族,東亞語族,西亞語族,中亞語族,東南亞語族澳太語系: 澳大利亞及太平洋諸島國。北美語系:北美洲各國語言,包括土著印第安語言。南美語系:南美洲各國語言,包括土著印第安語言。歐洲語系:日爾曼語族,包括英語、德語、荷蘭語、斯堪的納維亞半島各主要語言。拉丁語族,包括法語、義大利語、西班牙語、葡萄牙語和羅馬尼亞語等。斯拉夫語族有俄語、保加利亞語、波蘭語等。波羅的海語族包括拉脫維亞語和立陶宛語等。上述分類方法都有一個共同的缺點,就是都沒有將人造國際語列入分類中。在當今世界,人造國際語已經如此普及的今天,這實在是一憾事。

一. 印歐語系印歐語系 是最大的語系,下分日爾曼、拉丁、斯拉夫、波羅的海,印度、伊朗、等語族。世界上除了亞洲(不含南亞各國)外,各大洲大部分國家都採用印歐語系的語言作為母語或官方語言。使用人數大約40億,占世界人口的70%。印歐語系可分為:拉丁語族:包括法語、義大利語、西班牙語、葡萄牙語和羅馬尼亞語等。日爾曼語族:包括英語、德語、荷蘭語、斯堪的納維亞半島各主要語言。斯拉夫語族:有俄語、保加利亞語、波蘭語,塞爾維亞語等。波羅的海語族包括拉脫維亞語和立陶宛語等。印度語族包括梵語、印地語、巴厘語,達羅毗荼語支(印度南部的語言都屬於這一語支)等。伊朗語族包括波斯語、阿富汗語等。高加索語族 這一語族的語言分佈在高加索一帶,主要的語言有格魯吉亞語、車臣語等。烏拉爾語族 下分芬蘭語支和烏戈爾語支。前者包括芬蘭語、愛沙尼亞語等,後者包括匈牙利語、曼西語等。

二:. 漢藏語系 是僅次於印歐語系的第二大語種。使用人數大約15億。下分漢語和藏緬、壯侗、苗瑤等語族,包括漢語、藏語、緬甸語、克倫語、壯語、苗語、瑤語等。還包括阿勒泰各語族,如西阿勒泰語族、東阿勒泰語族。前者包括突闕諸語言以及前蘇聯境內的楚瓦什語,後者包括蒙古語以及前蘇聯境內的埃文基語。

三: 非太語系:包括除歐亞語系、南北美洲以外其他各國的語言。非洲及太平洋諸國採用這種語言。尼祿—撒哈拉語族:主要是非洲北部及西部各國語言,尼日爾—剛果語族:主要是非洲中部各國語言,如尼日爾語,剛果語,斯瓦西裡語等。科依桑語族:主要是非洲南部及東部各國語言,主要有霍屯督語(納米比亞),布須曼語(南非等),散達維語(坦桑尼亞等)。閃-含語族(閃米特-含米特語族)。主要應用於中東地區。下分閃語族和含語族。前者包括希伯來語、阿拉伯語等,後者包括古埃及語、豪薩語等。南島語族:主要有東南亞及太平洋各島國語言,如印尼語,馬來語,爪哇語,斐濟語,毛利語等。南北美洲土著印第安語言。如瑪雅語,愛斯基摩—阿留申語等。澳大利亞洲土語語言。

四. 人造國際語系各國語言的差異成為人們互相交往的一個不可克服的障礙。古往今來,人們就渴望有一種共同語言。特別是在資訊化的今天,更需要有一種國際通用的語言,實現人們的互相交流。第一個在國際上獲得較大影響的人造語,是由德國教長施萊耶(Schleyer)于1879創造的沃拉普克語(Volapuk)。 1887年波蘭人柴門霍夫創造世界語(Esperanto)。世界大同語(Mondlango)。除了沃拉普克語,大同語和世界語之外,其它影響較大的人造語還有:伊多語(Ido),西方語(Occidental),諾維亞語(Novial),英特林瓜語(Interlingua),格羅沙語(Glosa),歐盟語(Atlango)等。


在人造國際語中,大同語創立比較晚,但正因為創立比較晚 , 所以才能吸收各國民族語和人造國際語的優點,擯棄其缺點,成為最合理的語言。世界大同語(Mondlango)是一種國際輔助語。大同語以世界語(Esperanto)和英語為基礎,在語法方面也吸收了一些漢語因素。大同語採用世界上最通用的拉丁字母,只要學會了26個字母的發音和拼寫規則,即可讀出和寫出任何一個單詞。所有單詞的發音和拼寫完全一致。大同語的詞彙主要來源於英語和國際化詞根,加上首碼、尾碼,使之成為構詞能力很強,易學易記的語言。語法:以詞尾表示詞性,變化既簡單而又有規律。基本語序是“主語+謂語+賓語”,與漢語、英語的基本語序相同。英語目前是世界上最通用的語言,除英聯邦各國外,還有北美諸國,再加上南亞諸國,使用人口在十四億以上。此外,每個國家都有許多懂英語的人,特別是知識份子,國際間的科技貿易交流目前是以英語為主的,因此以英語為基礎是非常明智的,更易於被世界人民所接受。


A.漢藏語系(Sino-Tibetan):輔音多有送氣與不送氣的區別,而非有聲與無聲的區別,多為聲調語言(tone languages)。

B.印歐語系(Indo-European):多為重音韻律語言,沒有聲調,直述句語調多下降,是非問句(yes-no questions)語調多上揚,輔音系統較複雜,多為有聲與無聲系列的區別,有複輔音。
2.斯拉夫語族(Slavic):輔音眾多,顎化輔音系列為其特色,有塞擦音系列。字重音位置不固定,除俄語外,多有鼻元音。- 8 -俄語有ㄧㄝ/ie,ㄧㄡ/iu,ㄧㄚ/ia的組合,有聲輔音在字尾有無聲化的現象,無聲輔音若出現在有聲輔音之前,多變有聲,有聲輔音若出現在無聲輔音之前,多變無聲。非重音節元音有弱化現象(vowel reduction)。波蘭語重音多在倒數第二音節,有舌面音及舌根擦音。捷克語(Czech)有聲輔音在字首及字尾有無聲化的現象,無聲輔音若出現在有聲輔音之後,則變有聲,重音多落在第一音節,元音有長短之分。


2.日-韓語族(Japanese and Korean):沒有聲調。日語屬音拍韻律語言,以音高的變化標示重音,重音節為高音後接低音。元音數目少,為基本五元音制:[a],[i],[u],[e],[o],有長短音之分,長音的長度為短音的兩倍。音節結構簡單,多為CV結構。輔音也有長短音的區別,長輔音佔一拍,輔音缺乏送氣與不送氣的對立。韓語塞音有三組區別:強輔音、不送氣音及送氣音,但與漢語的輔音發音機制不盡相同,在韓文中強輔音以重複形式表示,以羅馬字母書寫則寫為kk,tt,pp等。

E.閃-含語系(Afroasiatic):除了埃及語族,其餘各族多為有聲、無聲及強子音(emphatic consonants)三組聲母的區分。有些語言有tl,dl的邊音。庫施特語族(Cushitic)及乍得語族(Chadic)有聲調。



H.南島語系(Austronesian):每字多為兩音節,多數沒有聲調,有些是因為與聲調語言接觸而借入聲調系統,另外有些是自行發展出聲調系統,如:New Caledonia的某些語言。南島語系重音多在倒數第二音節或最後音節,元音系統簡單,多為[a],[e],[i],[o],[u],除了複元音外,連續出現元音中的每個元音皆單獨發音,也就是每個元音均佔一拍。音節結構簡單,多為CV結構,多數沒有複輔音,有喉塞音。印度尼西亞語族(Western Malayo-Polynesian)的馬來語(BahasaIndonesian)及菲律賓的他加祿語(Tagalog)無聲輔音多不送氣,類似ㄅ[p]、ㄉ[t]、ㄍ[k]。


J.美洲印第安語系(American Indian):語音系統繁簡不一,最簡單的Arawakan語支的Campa語,只有17個音位13。註13 現代漢語有30個音位:22個輔音及8個單元音。本語系特徵為多喉音,喉塞音(glottal stop)為常見的音。許多語言的輔音帶有喉塞音,如:納瓦霍語(Navajo)ts'in,意思是「骨頭」,ts'是帶有喉塞音的塞擦音,不帶喉塞音的tsin,指的是「樹」。本語系的另一特徵為舌根後音,通常寫成q,比英語的舌根音[k]偏後,有時達小舌(uvula)附近。許多語言同時具有舌根音及舌根後音的區別(k與q),如:Uto-Aztecan語支的Cahuilla語,neki是「我家」,neqi是「我自己」。不少美國印第安語有鼻元音(nasal vowel),標記方式為在元音上加上波浪形符號(tilde),如:Chickasaw語中的pohsa,意思是「他射我們」,不同於phsa,指的是「他替我們射他」。此外,也有不少美國印第安語有聲調。屬於阿塔巴斯卡語支(Athabaskan)的納瓦霍語(Navajo)就有四個聲調:低調、高調、降調及升調。輔音有無聲不送氣系列,類似ㄅ[p]、ㄉ[t]、ㄍ[k]。

K.尼日爾-剛果語語系(Niger-Kordofanian/Niger-Congo):大多沒有複輔音,多數有聲調,但屬班圖語支(Bantic)的非洲共同語斯瓦希里語(Swahili)並沒有聲調。有些班圖語支的語言(Bantu languages)有吸氣音/嘖音(click),如:IsiXhosa語中的嘖音寫成c,x,q。斯瓦希里語的字重音多在倒數第二音節。


4.語音處理器官(speech sound processing organ)

發音器官:包含口腔、鼻腔、咽腔(統稱“聲腔”or “聲道”,vocal tract)

5.音韻學經典著作(classics in phonology)

Interfaces in Chinese Phonology-Festchrift in Honor of Matthew Y. Chen on his 70th Birthday
Maddieson, Ian. (1984). Patterns of sounds. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge
Roca, I., Johnson, W., & Roca, A. (1999). A Course in Phonology
Hulst, H. van der. Cognitive phonology
Burquest, Donald A. 1998. Phonological analysis: a functional approach. 2nd ed.Dallas: Summer Institute of Linguistics.Marlett, Stephen. 1992. An Introduction to Phonological Analysis. SIL and theUniversity of North Dakota.


Jan Niecisław Baudouin de Courtenay
Mary Beckman
Leonard Bloomfield
Franz Boas
Yuen Ren Chao
Noam Chomsky
Nick Clements
James Elphinston
John Rupert Firth
John Goldsmith
Morris Halle
Bruce Hayes
He Jiuying
Larry Hyman
Pavle Ivić
Kenneth H. Jackson
Samuel Jay Keyser
John McCarthy (linguist)
David Odden
O cont.
John Ohala
Herbert Pilch
Alan Prince
Charles Reiss
Jerzy Rubach
Patricia Alice Shaw
Paul Smolensky
Nikolai Trubetzkoy
Bert Vaux
Zhang Binglin

學派(phonological school)

Historical Phonology
Evolutionary Phonology
Kazan School
American Structuralist Phonology
Prague School of Phonology (1939)
Copenhagen School (1943)
London School: Prosodic Phonology (1946,1757)
Dependency Phonology (1950s,1986,1987)
Tagmemic Phonology(1987)
Sign Language Phonology (1960s,1995)
Stratificational Phonology (1960s)
Generative Phonology (1968)
Syllabic Phonology (1969,1995)
Government Phonology
Nonsegmental Phonology(1976)
Natural Phonology (1972,1979)
Natural Generative Phonology (1979)
• Natural Equational Phonology(1981)
Categorial Phonology (1960s,1981)
CV Phonology (1983)
Discourse phonological (1984)
Particle Phonology (1984)
Atomic Phonology (1985)
Lexical Phonology (1985)
Declarative Phonology (1986)
Declarative Lexical Phonology
Prosodic Phonology (1986)
Autosegmental Phonology (1976,1989)
Three Dimensional Phonology (1980)
Multidimensional Phonology
Metrical Phonology (1982,1989)
Moraic Phonology (1983,1991)
Dynamic Phonology (1985)
Experimental Phonology (1986)
Laboratory Phonology(1990)
Formal Phonology (1992)
Constraint Based Phonology (1992)
Attribute Value Phonology (1992)
Cognitive Phonology (1993)
Harmonic Phonology (1993)
Optimality Phonology (1993,1997,1999)
Grounded Phonology(1994)
Computational Phonology (1995)
Intonational Phonology (1996)
Functional Phonology(1998)
Second Language Phonology(2001)
Phonetically Based Phonology (2004)

7.音韻系統實證(empirical verification of phonological system)

sound spectrum

8.應用音韻學(applied phonology)


2.The Association for Computational Linguistics and Chinese Language Processing:http://www.aclclp.org.tw/corp_c.php

2008年11月12日 星期三

2008年11月4日 星期二


PCquirer / MacquirerThe lab PCquirer/PCQuirerX software package from Scicon Research & Development, developed by Henry Tehrani; only the PC version is actively supported here, but the CLICC lab has PC and Mac versions. Some capabilities of this software include the following. While there is no documentation available with the programs, Ling. 104 TAs provide class handouts each year.

Narrow band spectrograms
Wide band spectrograms
Pitch track with ToBI labeling
Pitch track with text labeling
FFT/LPC with formant / bandwidth values
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formant plots
PlotFormants for either Mac or PC is available for download here (PC version) (Mac version). Please note that the Mac version will not work on some newer Macs/some newer versions of OSX, and we do not plan to update it. Download it, try it, if it works for you, great; if not, try one of these other links, or look for scripts to do it in Praat:
Roger Billerey-Mosier's JPlotFormants is free and available from his webpage
Labov's lab's Plotnik, which allows linking sound files to tokens, is free and available at http://www.ling.upenn.edu/~wlabov/Plotnik.html
CSL / MultiSpeech (Kay Elemetrics Corp.)
Note: Kay Elemetrics renames its webpages from time to time, and as they use frames it's tedious to keep the links updated here. If the links here don't work, go to their main page, and click through from their Products link.
The Lab has owned 4 Computerized Speech Lab (CSL), two Model 4300s and two Model 4300Bs. However, only one of them is currently set up and ready to use: on Jasmine in the Physiology Lab, for use with the Palatometer. These are old models, not Kay's latest, but there are at least 4 reasons to still use CSL: the external A/D hardware for best signal quality; the ability to write macros, which makes repetitive analysis easier; the choice of LPC methods (covariance, including pitch-synchronous, as well as autocorrelation); the filter library.
The Lab also has Windows-based Multi-Speech (Model 3700) for PCs, but it may not work under any OS currently installed.
In practice, currently no one uses CSL for capturing audio signals in order to get the best S/N ratio. Instead, people use the computers with better sound cards (e.g. in the Audio Lab) or the external AudioBox.
Old handouts:
Some basics about CSL command and configuration files
Some MultiSpeech configuations that differ from CSL's
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DSP Sona-graph 5500 (Kay Elemetrics Corp.)
The DSP Sona-Graph is a dedicated (i.e., not computer-based), real-time, audio spectrum analysis instrument which was designed "from the ground up" for high speed signal analysis and display.
1. Introduction
The Kay 5500 Sonagraph is located in the General (largest) computer room of the phonetics lab, where it serves as a museum piece. However, it still functions.
2. Basic Layout
The sonagraph consists of three components: a printer, a monitor and the console (depicted above). Additionally, a microphone is usually in the vicinity for inputing data into the sonagraph. The on/off switch is located on the power strip behind the console. There is also a small black power switch in the bottom right corner of the console; this switch has tape over it and should not be tampered with.
3. Console
The console consists of several buttons which are grouped according to the functions they perform. There are nine groups of buttons, each delineated by boxes (see picture above). Six boxes are outlined in gray, one in blue, and one in red. These will be discussed in turn.
Input: The input region of the console is outlined in blue and is located in the bottom left corner of the console. Data may be inputed from either a microphone or from another source (e.g. tape recorder, DAT recorder, computer, etc.) into one of two channels. The choice of channels does not make much difference, though the default is typically channel 1. There are four input plugs, two for microphone and two for auxiliary cables, one of each per channel. Input levels can be adjusted in increments of 1 or 10 decibels by pushing the buttons in the smaller blue boxes within the larger blue box. The decibel levels pop up on the monitor when the input level buttons are pressed.
Recording levels register on the red lights in the input box. Ideally, recording levels should fall within the range indicated by an illuminated green light. If the red light is illuminated, recording levels are too high and should be lowered.
Record: The record box is red and is located in the middle of the bottom third of the console. Pressing the on button begins the recording, while pressing the off button stops it. The recording continues until the off button is pressed, at which point the monitor will display the message: Enhance is necessary. This message is your cue to press the E button in the special functions menu (see below).
Special functions: The special functions region is in the middle of the console and delineated in gray. It consists of six lettered buttons. The most important of these buttons is E which you must press once you press the off button to stop recording. Pressing E allows the sonagraph to enhance the image(s) corresponding to what was recorded. Pressing D gives a few options for redrawing and aligning the screens. Pressing F changes the color(s) of the images; keep on pressing F to see the various options which range from traditional white and gray to various shades of fire. Pressing C provides you with various options for playing the data which is stored on the screen. Some of these options require cursors which are discussed below. Buttons A and B are rarely used. A allows one to vary the reference amplitude for the displays and B is non-functioning.

Praat script resources

Page contents How to use this page Some basic operations Directory of scripts by type and description Links: other online collections of Praat scripts
How to use this page
How to run a script
Scripts save Praat users time and effort by automating a sequence of operations. To run a Praat script, go to the Control menu in the Praat objects window and select New Praat script. Then pull up the code for the desired script by clicking on one of the links below. Copy all the code there (e.g. highlight and Ctrl-C on a PC) and paste it into the new untitled script window. Finally, select Run > Run (or type Ctrl-R) in the untitled script window to execute the script. How to save a script or add it to the menu
In the open untitled script window with the new script pasted in the text box, go to the File menu to Save the script to a convenient location. The Add to fixed menu... command under File can be used to add the current script to one of the head menus in the Praat objects window. Menus can be edited (e.g. to remove previously added scripts) by going to Control > Preferences > Buttons and clicking on the desired command. How to script in Praat
See the Scripting tutorial under Help in Praat objects or try Setsuko Shirai's tutorial.
Some basic operations
Under construction.
Praat script directory by type and description
Directory categories Sound file management Text grid management Analysis of sounds using text grids Segmentation and extraction Drawing pictures Noise and speech manipulation More sound analysis
Sound file management
get-files (Kevin Ryan)Open multiple files from the specified directory at once.
get-files-from-list (Bert Remijsen)Open multiple files enumerated in a list in the specified text file (BR's description).
remove-all (Kevin Ryan)Remove all objects from object list.
change-sample-rate-or-format (Mietta Lennes)Resample and/or change the format of a set of sound files (ML's description).
concatenate-sounds (Kevin Ryan)Concatenate (daisy-chain) two or more selected Sound objects into one Sound object.
duplicate-sound (Kevin Ryan)Concatenate (daisy-chain) a Sound object with itself the specified number of times.
combine-sounds (Chris Darwin)Combine (merge) two Sounds with specified gains.
script-installation-script (Niels Petersen)An example of a script used to install several scripts to the Praat menus (NP's scripts).
wave-maker (Kevin Ryan)Create multiple varied sine waves at once in the object list and/or a directory (useful for testing scripts).
Text grid management
grid-maker (Kevin Ryan)Make or edit text grids for a set of sound files. See also K. Crosswhite's amply commented grid maker and reviewer scripts (and their descriptions). KR's version improves on these mainly by combining them: if a grid exists, it opens it, otherwise it sets up a new one.
label-from-text-file (Mietta Lennes)Replace interval labels in selected TextGrid with labeled text from a file (ML's description and a streamlined version).
open-multiple-textgrids (John Tøndering)Open multiple text grids from a directory at once (JT's scripts).
mark-pauses (Mietta Lennes)Mark pauses in a LongSound (can then run segmenter to get separate files) (ML's description); cf. word-chomper.
total-duration-of-labeled-segments (Mietta Lennes)Total the duration of labeled segments of a TextGrid (ML's description).
align-textgrid-markers (Mietta Lennes)Align TextGrid interval markers in tier one to those in tier two if they are sufficiently close (ML's description).
Analysis of sounds using text grids
duration-logger (Katherine Crosswhite)Log durations between labeled markers in a set of text grids (KC's description).cf. Mietta Lennes' version, calculate-segment-durations, and its description.
startpoint-logger (Mietta Lennes)Similar to the above script, but make file with startpoint of each labeled interval (ML's description).
formant-logger (Katherine Crosswhite)Log midpoint F0-F3 and duration of vowels delimited by labeled markers in a set of text grids (KC's description).
formant-logger (Mietta Lennes)Log midpoint F1-F3 of text grid labeled intervals for a set of Sound/TextGrid pairs (ML's description).
For F1/F2 logging, see also Bert Remijsen's scripts for using either the point tier or the interval tier to mark vowels.
draw-formant-chart (Mietta Lennes)Reports and logs midpoint F1-F2 of vowels delimited by labeled markers in a set of text grids (ML's description).
log-pitch-maxima (Mietta Lennes)Get F0 maxima of all text grid labeled intervals for a number of Sound-TextGrid pairs (ML's description).See also ML's log-data-from-two-tiers, which gets pitch maxima and corresponding syllable durations (description).
log-f0-extrema-using-momel (Bert Remijsen et al.)Use the MOMEL (Hirst & Espesser) algorithm to log pitch turning points to TextGrid (BR's description; MOMEL).
Segmentation and extraction
segmenter (Katherine Crosswhite)Extract clips demarcated by labeled markers into individual AIFF or WAV files (KC's description).
word-chomper (Joe Toscano)Take a WAV file and split it into smaller files corresponding to utterances (JT's description).
timed-segmenter (Kevin Ryan)Divide a LongSound into smaller files of a specified time length (e.g. 10s each, 1min each).
segment-to-aiffs-and-log, segment-to-wavs-and-log (Mietta Lennes)Extract textgrid-demarcated clips from LongSound into numbered files and log markers (ML's description).
segment-to-labeled-aiffs, segment-to-labeled-wavs (Mietta Lennes)Extract textgrid-demarcated clips from LongSound into files named after textgrid markers (ML's description).
extract-voiced-portions (John Tøndering)Extract and concatenate voiced portions of selected Sound to create new voiced-portions-only Sound (JT's description).
save-selection-to-sound-and-textgrid (Mietta Lennes)From an open LongSound TextGrid, save selected portion of LongSound and its TextGrid (ML's description).
from-segmentation-data-files-to-text-grids (Mietta Lennes)Convert data files listing segment startpoints and labels to TextGrids; cf. endpoint version (ML's description).
Drawing pictures
draw-sample-figure (Hugo Quené)Demonstrates how to draw a figure (graph) using a script (HQ's scripts).
Functional phonology, Paul Boersma's 1998 dissertation, has a number of sophisticated figure drawing scripts,e.g., draw-lungs and draw-muscle-effects in Chapter 2: Articulation model.
draw-distribution-bar (Mietta Lennes)Draw a makeshift bar showing distribution of labeled intervals from a file of timepoint, label pairs (ML's description).
draw-source-filter-model (Niels Petersen)Draw the components of the source-filter model of vowel production to the Picture window (NP's scripts).
draw-formant-point-to-bark-chart (possibly buggy; Mietta Lennes)Draw a one-Bark vowel circle from given formant values (Hz) on a Bark-scale F1/F2 chart.Cf. draw-formant-point-to-erb-chart: same as above script except Erb-scale chart (ML's descriptions).
make-matrix-of-plots (Chris Darwin)Create a matrix of plots; format these plots by changing the script code (try it with the defaults).
Noise and speech manipulation
create-sustained-vowel (Niels Petersen)Create a sustained vowel of the specified type using the LF source model (NP's scripts).
create-waveforms (Niels Petersen)Create various kinds of waveforms (sawtooth, square, sine, white noise, pink noise, etc.) (NP's scripts).
comb-filter-noise (Chris Darwin)Generate and comb-filter white noise.
shannon-am-noise (Chris Darwin)Produce Shannon-type AM noise from a selected Sound file using four bands.
vocal-tract-change (Chris Darwin)Change size of vocal tract (formants, but not duration/pitch); cf. vocal-tract-change-dynamic, which leaves the F0 altered.
sine-wave-speech (Chris Darwin)Create three-formant sine-wave speech using selected Sound object.
metronome (Hugo Quené)Simple one-beat metronome; see HQ's scripts page for several more complex metronomes. Careful: the default durations are very long; they should be set shorter before testing, lest Praat be tied up for minutes. Also, references to mywhoosh.wav should be changed to some extant WAV or removed.
More sound analysis
adjust-intensity (Katherine Crosswhite)Scale a set of sounds so that their peak amplitudes are identical (KC's description).
amplitude-gating (Niels Petersen)Gates the selected Sound object in and out (in intensity) using specified rise and fall times (NP's scripts).
voice-report (Niels Petersen)Generate a customized “voice report” for the selected Sound (NP's scripts).
adjust-f0-and-duration (Chris Darwin)Globally alter fundamental frequency and/or duration of all selected Sound objects.
mark-vowel-onsets (Hugo Quené)Find the vowel onsets in a selected Sound and log their timepoints in a new PointProcess;can then use HQ's write-pp to record the PointProcess timepoints in a data file (HQ's scripts).
draw-fft-spectrum (Mietta Lennes)Draw and save FFT spectrum for 40 ms window around cursor; run from sound editor (ML's description).
draw-lpc-spectrum (Niels Petersen)Like draw-fft-spectrum above, but LPC spectrum; based on M. Lennes' draw-lpc-spectrum script.
create-analysis-table (Setsuko Shirai)Create a table showing pitch, intensity, and formants every 10 ms for a set of WAVs (untested; SS's Praat page).
pitch-unit-conversion (Niels Petersen)Convert between different types of units, e.g. Hertz to Semitones, Bark, or Mel (NP's scripts).
annotate-using-manpage (John Tøndering)Annotate a TextGrid with phonetic symbols using ManPage (see JT's description).
make-stereo (Chris Darwin)Combine selected Sounds to make a stereo Sound file.
spectral-rotation (Chris Darwin)
F2 track correcter: setup, fix-formants (see Katherine Crosswhite's description).
Praat scripts: links and online collections
In no particular order:
Praat: main Praat website (e.g. download the program).
Praat users group: Yahoo! discussion group for Praat users; some scripts available in database.
Mietta Lennes: a large number of scripts, many quite involved, with very informative descriptions.
Setsuko Shirai: a PDF introduction to Praat scripting and a few scripts.
Johan Frid: one of the largest collections online, but most of the scripts are old and need to be updated to work.
Chris Darwin: CD's advanced scripts for e.g. sine-wave speech, Shannon AM-noise speech, resizing vocal tract, etc.
Paul Boersma: explore links for various highly tailored scripts associated with PB's 1998 dissertation.
Katherine Crosswhite: the code of the first few scripts is very well documented; good for learning Praat scripting.
Hugo Quené: some neat scripts, including several metronomes.
Niels Petersen: 20-some scripts at the bottom.
Bert Remijsen: some very well explained scripts, with sample input.
John Tøndering: a “Label.man” (annotate from ManPage) package plus a few other common scripts.
Joe Toscano: a few scripts, including “Word Chomper.”
Gabriël Beckers: some acoustic scripts, but apparently not formatted properly with newlines.
Michael J. Owren: downloadable GSU PraatTools, "scripts for analyzing, modifying, and synthesizing sounds using Praat"


The Second Theoretical Phonology Conference


特別邀請 M & M + Wii 超強海角組合:
Matthew Y. Chen
University of California, San Diego
John J. McCarthy
University of Massachusetts, Amherst

William S-Y Wang
University of California, Berkeley & Chinese University of Hong Kong

Presenters: (姓氏筆畫序)
石基琳 U. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
宋凱琳 國立政治大學語言學研究所
吳瑾瑋 國立台灣師範大學國文系
林蕙珊 國立台灣師範大學英語系
許慧娟 國立交通大學外國語文學系
黃良喜 Hong Kong Baptist University
黃慧娟 國立清華大學語言學研究所
謝豐帆 國立清華大學語言學研究所
蕭宇超 國立政治大學語言學研究所

就在今天 讓您了解國內外理論音韻學研究到什麼階段!


The 2009 Graduate Student Workshop on Phonology


Featured Speakers: (理論與實驗的交響曲)
John J. McCarthy
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Presenters: 王曉晴 王麗婷 宋凱琳 林綠茜 鄭智仁
章杏儀 凌旺楨 黃婷 熊芮華 陳元翔
就這一天 讓您了解台灣青春世代在音韻研究上的創意



2008年10月28日 星期二


Soundbeam is an award-winning device which uses sensor technology to translate body movement into digitally generated sound and image.